For Yoni massage Bangkok

Hi Bali, I want to share a super massive thank you to you both. It was such an incredibly fun and rewarding session for me. Thanks for making it pure pleasure and love. I felt so safe and able to exist in the moment with you both, something I've really been struggling to do with people I don't know. Yeah, it was a genuinely precious physical and emotional experience that I won't forget.
Haha 😅but man I am sooo stiff today! In the best possible way!!!
Take care you two, I'll definitely come and visit again❤️ and please reach out if you happen to be in Vietnam
W from Australia
Hi Bali, Finally I have time to thank you and...? I didn’t remember his name unfortunately. It was a wonderful experience! Self opening, sensitive, pleasurable, gentle and unforgettable 3 hours. He definitely discovered a sensitive part of me. That part that I will need to work on more. As you advised I tried to focus on the present, returning my mind back to that room and enjoying it. I think I succeeded in it 😃 Thank you again! And hopefully to see you again in the future.
C from Australia
Hi Bali this is ### who just had yoni massage two days ago. Sorry for didn’t thank you properly that day cos I was in a rush. What you guys are doing is amazing. I had a lot self reflections during my flight back and it made me realized a lot things that I have never got the chance to think, both in my sexual experiences and personal life. It definitely opened a new chapter in my life and thank you so much for your brilliant idea. Also I forgot to thank him as well haha tell him thanks for his patience and all his nice words and advice! I will never forget this wonderful experience. Looking forward to see you again in the future xx
D from Guangzhou
当然,我们是由忐忑不安的心情去开始,所以我跟bali要求,全程我必须陪伴着太太,所以我选择了erotic sharing session..不用怀疑他们的技术,他们的细腻,会让你怀疑自己怎么都不曾对自己的老婆如此温柔细心过(别怀疑人生)..每一个细节,每一个反应,都被他们2个收纳在考量之内..他们没有一套固定的按摩流程,而是随着你身体的反应去做当下最正确的服务,给你最好的体验。这是一个不带任何侵略、没有一丝不安的情趣按摩.浪漫的气氛,温馨的感觉,他们绝对是情趣按摩里面的教授级师尊.
Y from Malaysia
My experience with Bali & her partner was one of generosity and extraordinary emotional intelligence in their practice. True masters of their craft. Every women deserves this. Highly recommended.
A professional from London
Dear Bali,
Just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the session very much! Thank you so much for enlightening me on different aspects of being a woman, especially sexuality. I enjoyed the communication with you both verbally and physically. Today helped me let go a lot and started to see myself in a new light. And I have to tell you, you are a living example of how charming a woman can be when they embrace the energy from within, it flows, it shines, it radiates. Thank you very much!
H from shanghai
我先简单说说我与YONI的缘分,在印度爱经上第一次听说YONI, 很好奇,后来上网查才知道这是梵语,阴道的意思。在网上了解到,原来还有YONI MESSAGE. 在曼谷,这样一个自由宽松的环境下,我特别想送给自己一个礼物,尝试YONI MESSAGE。很幸运,我遇到了网页版Facebook上找到了BALI,她让我感觉很安全,值得信任。在做YONI MESSAGE的过程中,我没有任何的压力,不需要担心自己的身材,皮肤等,BALI一直与我互动,全程关注我的感受,取悦我。我第一次觉得,我的YONI很美好,像一朵妖艳的玫瑰花,以前我从未真正地好好地重视我的YONI。按摩完了以后,我特别想把YONI MESSAGE和BALI推荐给中国女性朋友,我们一生中至少需要一 次这样的自我取悦的YONI MESSAGE。
L from Shanghai
Hi Bali, I’m my way to airport back home right now. Thank you and your gentle, warmly partner (Sorry I’m not good in remembering name, but I won’t forget his look) , you giving me such great memories and remarkable memories for my 32th BD. I really enjoyed n have a pleasant experience that I haven't had in a long time. It's hard to express my feelings in words, I hope we can meet again next time.
L from Taiwan
Dear Bali, I am home. Just want to thank both of you again for creating this safe and loving environment for women, I feel liberated and inspired by this visit, and wishing all the best to you! It was a exceptional experience in my life 🤗
B from HK
忘れられず次の日もリピートしちゃいました笑 全ての日本人女性に強くオススメします。
英語が苦手な方も大丈夫。韓国や中国、地元タイの女性も翻訳アプリなど使って利用してるとの事です。バンコクに来たら毎日リピートします。L 日本よりL
L from Japan
Dear Bali, I would like to thank you for your warm hospitality and good vibes. You focused on smallest of details and created an extraordinary experience. It was exhilarating for me. There was no fear or anxiety. It wasn’t rushed, but I was excited to rush into it. There was no self-consciousness… just pure, in the moment ecstasy. I feel like it unraveled my insecurities… it made me more confident in myself...And at least 90% of that feeling came from feeling safe with Y###. There was just something about his energy that allowed me to open up and feel so relaxed. He truly has raised my standards in everything to do with sexual pleasure.
T from Neverland
Hello Bali, thank you so much for an amazing afternoon on Saturday...it was a blend of knowledge and pleasure, difficult to decide which was more intense...hope to take on board your tips and tricks and learn to let go...look forward to our next catch-up 😉😘
J from London
Have a gooood night! Thanks a lot!! BOTH OF YOU are really professional, nice and lovely people with good appearance & shape!😍Wow! Make people feel relaxed even at the first sight, amazing. I will remember the 🤩 night and do recommend to my girls without hesitation. Definitely a stunning experience, btw, kick the life?! Can’t wait to visit your studio asap[Trick].
What a great idea to meet you tonight. Until next time back to Bangkok, my lovely friends, 😘 miss u~ Bali &Y### 😘
O from Xi'an
Dear Bali, you are so missed here!
I just got the vaccine and I can hardly wait to visit Thailand and meet you again... You open up new ways for me to think and feel about my life, a lot has changed for better since we met and a big part of that is thanks to you. Too bad I can’t meet you for so long... your local clients are so lucky to see you:) I can only experience you in my memory now. What you do and give for women is so special and different from anybody else. I found it’s impossible to find service like yours not only In Thailand but everywhere else. Please send my love to amazing Y###, I miss you both and hope we meet again soon.
F from Switzerland
I had an enormous pleasure to experience Bali’s sensual yoni massage. She made me feel loved and relaxed from the very beginning. I was totally blown away by her gentle touch, which gradually built up to the most amazing culmination! My whole body was buzzing from sensuality and I was taken on to the deepest journey of my inner desires. I was flying high when I left and I couldn’t wait to share this feeling with my husband who anticipated my return. We both loved the whole experience and still find it sexually arousing to talk about. I can’t speak highly enough about Bali’s expertise! I think every woman deserves the special loving care provided by beautiful Bali! It was a gift from heaven, which I shall never forget.
D from London
Bali is simply a goddess of love and passion! You are welcomed into a safe and beautiful space to explore the depths of your sensuality created by women, for women only. All preconceived negative feelings one may carry about societal expectations of intimacy (pressure, awkwardness, judgment, feelings of needing to please others, etc) are checked at the door. The session begins with a shared drink and getting to know one another, followed by a cleansing shower and a gentle touch massage all within in a beautifully clean and personal space filled with flowers, positivity, soft lighting, and meditative music. The entire focus of the experience is solely on your comfort and pleasure. Bali brings the most amazing feminine energy, creating a magical experience that nearly transcends what seems possible in "real life". She will make you feel loved and beautiful in a way you likely never have felt before; a true master of human touch and communication. She reads and speaks with your body in an unbelievable way to heighten every sensation. Additionally, the yin and yang between the female and male energy in the 4-hands massage is something truly special that I had never experienced before. I just feel so lucky to have had an experience like this, to connect with someone so deeply and so beautifully in such a short time. It is 24 hours later, and I am still processing everything I felt. It's what dreams are made of and something I will carry with me for a lifetime. Every woman should allow themselves an opportunity like this to reach their full potential of sensuality and passion- to push the limits of what you thought was possible. I cannot thank you enough, Bali, for this once-in-a-lifetime experience!! Xoxo
K from California
ในครั้งแรกที่ฉันมาใช้บริการที่นี่ ก็รู้สึกกังวลนิดหน่อยค่ะ เพราะไม่เคยนวดแบบนี้มาก่อนเลย แต่พอมาลองนวด ตั้งแต่นาทีแรกจนถึงขั้นตอนสุดท้าย มันแบบดีมากจริงๆ รู้สึกแปลกใหม่ สบาย และผ่อนคลายมากๆค่ะ คือ คุณบาลี่ เค้ามีความเป็นมืออาชีพในด้านศาสตร์การนวดนี้ แบบเค้าทำด้วยใจรักจริงๆ การนวดก็เลยสบายๆ ไร้กังวลค่ะ อีกอย่างทำเลที่ตั้ง ห้องที่ใช้นวด เป็นส่วนนึง ของบริเวณคอนโด สงบ สะอาด รู้สึกว่าส่วนตัวดีค่ะ ลองดูนะคะ สบายมากๆ
O from Thailand
I truly don’t know how to thank you, I had amazing feeling during the session with you. I felt so relaxed, safe, and loved. All my Barriers melted and I could just completely let myself go all the way to the (happy) end :)
S from Germany
所以我预约了这个在无意中发现的yoni massage,想把它作为我独居生活的一个完美结尾。事实上,也的确,这确确实实应该是个非常完美的结尾甚至在我的人生中应该算是一个闪闪亮亮,充满彩色泡泡的美好回忆。
这是一个非常专业 且人性化十足的studio,主理人Bali非常nice,不会让你有距离感,亲和力爆棚能够让你感觉很安全完完全全卸下心里的包袱。在这里你会感觉到自己被温柔对待,被十足的爱包裹至少我感觉到了真心。她们真的是在做对女性提供帮助的服务。具体的过程我不多赘述,留给大家想象空间并且我相信不同的人不同的情况他们会有不同的方式去应对。对我来说我只能说这对我来说是一次充满爱的奇妙旅程。
按摩分为三种:四手(一男一女同时为你提供按摩服务) 男性按摩还有只有Bali一个人为你服务。Bali一直在强调在这里你可以完完全全卸下全部包袱 有关身材等一些焦虑 尽情的做自己 享受自己身体所以带来的愉悦。按摩时常大概在3-4小时不等。通常根据个人的情况而定,我幸运的被加时了两小时:)因为他们很喜欢我:)这也让我倍感开心。
A girl from monster planet 🌎
Bali I非常地有经验和技巧,她很好地照顾我的身体和情绪,我觉得很舒服和安全和她分享我的私人感受。我非常感谢她,是她让我更加爱我自己的身体,正视和尊重自我的感受和欲望.
C from Beijing
Dear Bali, you were the highlight of me and my friend trip! We still argue who had more fun, me with you or her with the male masseur… thank you both for this amazing experience and we can’t wait for our next trip to bangkok, next time we will switch lol.
M&A from Switzerland
世界各地專為女性服務的私密按摩其實是非常難尋找的,幸運的我在曼谷找到了Bali的Yoni massage,並且選擇了一位西方男士為我服務,Bali在為我們介紹彼此之後便把空間留給我們,這位西方男士非常細心且溫柔,我體驗到了前所未有的美好感受,下次再來曼谷,還是要找Bali的,謝謝Bali、謝謝Yoni massage.
P from Taiwan
ขอบคุณนะคะ สำหรับความรู้สึกดีๆที่มีให้ ขอบคุณที่รับฟังและเข้าใจ พร้อมคำแนะนำดีๆ ทำให้ฉันมีความมั่นใจและได้เป็นตัวของตัวเอง ไม่ต้องรู้สึกไม่ดีกับตัวเองอีกต่อไป ขอบคุณสำหรับทุกสิ่งทุกอย่างนะคะ
J from Bangkok
I read all the reviews in your website and now I really understand what they are talking about 😊 thank you both so much for amazing afternoon! All women should have this unforgettable experience…XX
L from Germany
Bali, I wanted to thank u form the bottom of my heart for the emotions I have felt today .... since I’ve come back to the hotel I have been only thankful n grateful to u and the Male Masseur I didn’t even ask him his name 🤦🏼♀Would love to know his name and truly magical hands & the best massage I’ve ever had undoubtedly will be back soon for some more ♥️🙏🏻😘
A from Mumbai
Thank you Bali for your warm hospitality and service. I really appreciate it. My wife had very nice experience with your male masseur. She felt very happy and relax. She said now she’s more open to new experience... See you again in our next visit.
C from Shanghai
Dear Bali, Thank you for that amazing experience. I will cherish it forever. I am happy that you were my first one 😉Thanks for the gift you are giving to women in such a gentle and warm hearted way - you are very special. I am flying home with a big smile 😊Kisses...
S from NY
โดยปกติแล้วฉันไม่ใช่คนที่ทำอะไรโดยไม่วางแผนล่วงหน้า แต่สำหรับเรื่องเมื่อคืนนั้น หลังผ่านการเดินทางอันยาวนานจากภูเก็ตและการประชุมอย่างต่อเนื่องอีก 2 วัน ฉันก็รู้สึกอยากหาวิธีผ่อนคลายก่อนเดินทางกลับบ้าน บาลี่ ฉันรู้สึกดีใจมากที่สามารถหลุดออกจากกรอบการใช้ชีวิตแบบเดิมๆ ของตัวเอง และเชิญคุณและเค้ามาที่โรงแรมของฉัน มันเป็นประสบการณ์ที่ทั้งตื่นเต้นและผ่อนคลายในเวลาเดียวกัน เมื่อตื่นขึ้นมาในตอนเช้า ฉันไม่แน่ใจว่านี้เป็นเรื่องจริงหรือกำลังฝันอยู่กันแน่ 555 แต่ในตอนนี้ฉันรู้สึกมีความสุขและสงบเป็นอย่างมาก ต้องขอบคุณพวกคุณจริงๆ
W from phuket
ชั้นเคยเชื่อมาตลอดเลยว่า ความสุขทางเพศอย่างสุดๆ ของชั้น คงไม่มีหรอกในชีวิตนี้ เห้อ! จนกระทั้งชั้นได้มาพบกับบาลีและนักนวดบำบัดชายของคุณที่แนะนำให้ชั้นได้รู้จักกับคอร์สนวดบำบัดตลอด 6 เดือนที่ผ่านมา ซึ่งทำให้สิ่งที่ชั้นเคยเชื่อเปลี่ยนไป ความสุขทางเพศรสของชั้นเปลี่ยนไปอย่างสิ้นเชิงการที่เราได้พบแต่ละครั้งกันมันช่วยสอนให้ชั้นได้รู้จักตัวเอง ความต้องการร่างกายของชั้นเองมากขึ้น จากการพบกันครั้งแล้ว ครั้งเล่า ทำให้ชั้นเริ่มรู้สึกว่าทุกสิ่งทุกอย่างมันได้ถูกเปิดทางให้กับชั้น ชั้นมาถูกทางแล้ววันนี้ ชั้นมีความมั่นใจขึ้นมากๆ เลยกับชีวิตด้านเพศสัมพันธ์ของชั้นและตอนนี้ชั้นก็เข้าใจในสิ่งที่คุณเคยบอกชั้นเมื่อเราพบกันครั้งแรกว่า เรื่องเพศมันเป็นสิ่งสวยงาม เป็นสมบัติอันล้ำค่าที่ธรรมชาติมอบให้กับมนุษย์ทุกคนอืม เสียดายจังที่ชั้นไม่ได้พบคุณทั้งสองคนก่อนหน้านี้!
K from Bangkok
Thank you Bali for excellent and very professional service. Our experience with the male masseur was beyond all our expectations! We are fully trust you and will recommend you to our friends.
J from KL
Good morning Bali! I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the best experience I ever imagined having. You’ve certainly made an impact on me that I will always remember with a smile and warm heart. I look forward to seeing you again when I’m back in Bangkok in March. Have a safe journey to China tomorrow and please know you’ve touched my life in many ways and I thank you infinitely for that. Take care & big hugs to you. 🙏🏼😘 L
L from California
Bali! Thank you both for giving us such an amazing time last night!
We thought we booked for yoni session... and end up with party session 555 So much pleasure in one time ❤️❤️
J&W from Bangkok
...The combination between you both is a truly amazing and rare thing. First the open and straight conversation with you, (I've never talked so freely to anyone like this before:) and then the exiting session with him... finally I found a place that really understands me and makes me feel free and normal lol.
I'm so grateful for you both for all of that!
C from Netherlands
バンコク滞在中に2回施術して頂きました。Baliさんは私が非常に緊張しているのを見て リラックス出来るように気を遣って下さいました。 施術が終わった後はエネルギーを補充して頂いて 半年ぐらいその時の満たされた感じが続きました。英語でのやり取りになりますが 英語が話せない国のお客さんとは グーグル翻訳などを使って コミュニケーションを取っているそうです。在タイ者の方がうらやましいです。完全予約制なので落ち着いて 施術を受ける事ができました。
M from Tokyo
Thank you Bali for the awesome experience!! It was such bliss :) Y### (not sure if I spelled it right) was amazing!! It is so good to see that you do this for women. I have already suggested this to couple of my girlfriends and would plan a trip to Bangkok sometime later. Hope to see you again then!! Thank you once again!
R from Mumbai
I had been considering gifting myself this experience for quite some time, and my only regret is not having done so sooner. I was incredibly nervous and not too sure what to expect - but those feelings completely disappeared the moment I met Bali. Her warmth and energy are truly unique, and she immediately put me at ease whilst discussing the flow of the session. I was then introduced to the male masseur, who likewise has an incredible energy which is transferred by his touch. For me, it was more than just a tantric experience - it was sensual, spiritual, it completely opened me and has quite literally changed my life. I had such amazing orgasms, I booked a second session which equally did not disappoint. I cannot recommend Bali and him enough - I am blessed to have met them, and cannot wait for my next visit.
S from Scotland
和闺蜜的泰国之行很愉快,这次按摩当然是亮点。之前并不知道有阴道按摩,体验了泰式按摩,想试一试更私密的按摩,于是就找在谷歌上搜,找到了Bali的按摩工作室。在看了很多评论和照片后选择大胆尝试一下。BALI是个很有魅力的女人,她能在短短的时间里让人完全放松下来,完全地信任她。我选择的是四手按摩,他们都非常的专业,非常有经验,配合地很好,完全顺着我的感觉走,他们俩的身材超好:)这是我最最特别的体验,不虚泰国之行,谢谢你们! 真心希望女孩们都能有一个这样的体验!
L from Chengdu
Hey Bali, thank you for the treats, it’s incredible... I came with nervous and suspicious, but all the details shows how sincere you and him are in doing this : you had the Yoni Logo as tattoo on back of your neck, I felt that this is your identity too ; you had a perfect introduction process to take me in ; provide all the necessary details before the session ; everything in the room and tidy clean and comfortable. The wrap up of the session is equally well planned and personal. Not to mention him, I had an amazing experience with him, not only how much he can stimulate and discover my potential, I also had this deep self realization that makes me extremely emotional post session - for the first time I understand the feeling of being in the centre and focusing on myself with his soft hands and gentle manners... very comfortable and I couldn’t ask for more.. it’s once in a life experience... I am extremely satisfied after the session and even learned so much about myself and about man through the experience. I am touched you guys and can’t say enough thanks from bottom of my heart... wish you all the best and being taken care of by the world! Wish other women can have this opportunity to experience this too! Take care and many loves.
B from Singapore
สตูดิโอของบาลีสวยมาก สะอาด และ เป็นส่วนตัว ไม่มีใครนอกจากบาลี มีเสียงเพลงเบา ๆ กับ ไฟสลัวๆ บรรยากาศสุดจะโรแมนติค บาลีให้เราเลือกเครื่องดื่มหลากหลายเลย เราเลือก Jin&Tonic จากนั้นเราก็นั่งคุยแบบสบายๆ เราชอบคุยกับบาลีมาก เพราะเธอประสบการณ์เยอะ เปิดใจ คุยได้ทุกเรื่อง (คุยภาษาไทยด้วย)
หลังจากที่เราคุยกัน (ส่วนใหญ่ก็เรื่อง เซ็กซ์ 5555) เธอก็ให้นักนวดชายของเธอเข้ามาในห้อง บาลีไม่ได้ส่งรูปของนักนวดชายให้ดู เธอบอกแต่ว่าเป็นฝรั่ง ผิวขาว หุ่นนักกีฬา แล้วก็ดูดีมาก ๆ ซึ่งเราก็ไม่ผิดหวังเลย เค้าดูดีจริง ๆ สุภาพ แล้วก็กลิ่นตัวหอมด้วย อิอิ เค้าบอกแค่ว่า เค้าจะทำให้เรามีความสุข.....อืม ก็จริงด้วยแหละเมื่อจบคอร์สนวดแล้วเราก็แฮปปี้สุดๆ 555++
ขอบคุณมากค่ะสำหรับประสบการณ์พิเศษนี้ สำหรับการดูแลใส่ใจเราตลอด และ ที่ช่วยให้เรามีความสุขสุด ๆ ครั้งนั้น
L from Bnagkok
Hi Bali, Just wanted to say thank you for the lovely experience. At first I was really hesitant and didn't know what to expect and how to feel but the moment I reached to your place and met you it was very different and I found myself calm and assured. Please convey my big thanks to Y###, he was amazing. Thanks again
B from London
一直沒有好好的來聊聊關於###,他是一位西方的男士,兩次都有他的服務,第二次還是選擇這裡,我想這位男士佔了很大的因素,他是一位非常溫柔且有趣的男士,外在條件也是相當好的,長相好看而且身材也鍛鍊得很結實,在互動的過程裡他隨時可以感受到我的反應並且給予最好的回應,就像是在跟一位相識已久的情人 相處,除了生理之外,女性最需要的是被照顧心理,而他完整的做到了這點,覺得自己是被愛著的,真的非常令人開心與滿足,親愛的Bali與Y###,下次曼谷見了❤️
P from Taiwan
私は最初半信半疑程度だったのですが、彼らは見事なプロフェッショナルでした。感じの良い対応、清潔で落ち着いた見た目、気配り心配り、そして圧巻のテクニック…!!こんなに女性器のツボを全て同時に押さえることができるなんてビックリです そしてあんなに何度も何度もイクとは思いませんでした。20回はイッちゃったんじゃないかな…
Y from Osaka
私は、2人の人柄と技術に対するレビューが素晴らしかったため、フォーハンズセッションを受けました。私には愛するパートナーがいますが、ずっとプラトニックな関係のままなので、浮気は絶対にしたくないものの女性として体を愛される幸せを求める気持ちがつよくなり、こういったサービスを利用する決心をしました。 コースに迷いましたが、バリにも男性にも会ってみたかったのでフォーハンズセッションを頼みました。ツーハンズでもフォーハンズでも値段が変わらないので、びっくりしました!セッションは、本当に素晴らしい時間と経験で、忘れられない大切な思い出になりました。私は、友達と安いホステルに泊まっていたので、施術してもらうような部屋がなく困っていましたが、バリがきをきかせてを昔使っていたスタジオを提供してくれました。 バリはバイクで途中まで迎えに来てくれて、後ろに乗せてもらうエキサイティングな経験までてきました!!
バリには初めて会った瞬間から心を掴まれました。なかなか出会わないほどの美しい心の女性だと思いました。洗練されてリラックスできる美しいインテリアのお部屋だったので一瞬で大好きになりました。まず、バリがカウンセリングをしてくれました。どんな目的でマッサージをしているか教えてくれて、またどのような希望があるかも聞いてくれました。「あなたが喜びを感じることだけが目的だから私たちには一切気を使わなくていいのよ」と言ってくれたのが印象的でした。私の場合は、施術が始まるとリラックスして、話す雰囲気ではなくなったのでどこまでの施術をして欲しいかなどの線引きなどはこの事前カウンセリングで話しておくことをおすすめします!シャワールームも素敵で、無印良品の馴染みのあるアメニティがあり、安心して使えました。ベッドルームは暗く薄赤い間接照明、アロマの香りと音楽がオシャレでした。セッションでは、息がピッタリとあった2人にケアして貰えるゴージャスな時間でした。お姫様にでもなったような気分で心地よかったです。ゆっくりたっぷり、優しくしてもらい、言葉では表せないほど色んなものを受け取りました。セッションが終わったあともベッドの上で穏やかに語り合い、単なる客としてでは無く人と人の繋がりを感じてとても幸せでした。それまでパートナーとの関係にとても悩んでいましたが何故か気持ちも晴れました!私は初めてタイに行きましたがその中でもバリとの出会いは一番の良い出来事でした。絶対にまた会いたいです。皆さんにも強くおすすめします!Thank you Bali and Y###!!!
N from Tokyo
ขอบคุณ คุณบาลี่ มากๆที่ทำให้ฉันได้รับประสบการณ์ดีๆ ที่ไม่เคยคิดว่าจะได้ทดลอง และกล้าคิดที่จะทำมาก่อน คุณทำให้ฉันเข้าใจในสิ่งที่ตัวเองต้องการโดยที่ไม่รู้สึกผิด ตรงกันข้าม treatment ของคุณทำให้ฉันรู้สึกผ่อนคลาย ปลอดภัย แล้วก็มีความสุขทุกครั้งที่ได้รับมันจาก professional & beautiful mind like you.
คุณทำให้ฉันรู้สึกตื่นเต้นทุกครั้ง ว่า next session จะมีประสบการณ์ใหม่ๆ อะไรที่คุณจะนำทางช่วยฉันค้นหาต่อได้อีก… can’t wait to explore more exciting and wonderful session as always…
Thank you so much 😘
F from Bangkok
Vielen lieben Dank für dieses angenehme und impulsgebende Erlebnis! Ich habe mich bei dir seit der ersten Sekunde sehr wohlgefühlt und konnte direkt entspannt sein und alles genießen. Aus der Session konnte ich vieles für mich mitnehmen. Deswegen würde ich es auch jeder Person empfehlen, die sich dafür interessiert. Ich komme auf jeden Fall wieder!
J. from Germany
Thnx for such a great session… it was very intimate and wonderful.. The both of you are so fab and would love to meet before i return to Chiangmai…. I had such a good night’s sleep. Thanks so much again, Bali and Y### ❤️
W from Chiang Mai
Bali thân mến,
Thật sự chúng tôi rất nhớ bạn với những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời ở Bangkok.
Đó là một chuyến phiêu lưu với chúng tôi, lo lắng, hồi hộp, pha lẫn căng thẳng nhưng rồi với sự chuyên nghiệp, tinh tế và nhẹ nhàng của bạn thì chúng tôi đã hiểu rằng chúng tôi đã tìm đúng người rồi. Khi "thử nghiệm" một sự phá cách trong cuộc sống thì cần thiết nhất là sự an toàn và thoải mái. Cảm ơn Bali đã mang lại cho chúng tôi sự đổi mới, một cảm giác được tôn trọng chăm sóc và sự an toàn cũng như chuyên nghiệp.
Chắc chắn sẽ gặp lại cả 2 bạn rất nhiều lần nhé.
H from Ho Chi Minh
Baliとmale massuerとの出会いは、今回の滞在でいちばんの思い出です、、、!
Baliもmale massuerも、大きな愛を持った親しみやすい人柄で、以前から知り合いだったような感覚でリラックスして接することができました☺︎
H from Japan
またタイに遊びに来た時は是非会いたいです❣️ 日本に来ることがあれば一緒にご飯に行きましょう✨
K from Tokyo
요니 마사지에 대해 관심을 가지게 된 것은 몇 년 전이지만 실제로 마사지를 받겠다고 마음먹는데까지는 꽤 오랜시간의 검색과 나름 굉장한 용기가 필요했다. '소중한' 나를 위한 요니마사지를 받기 위한 검색 과정에서 마사지 테라피스트의 역량도 중요했지만 가장 중점적으로 본 내용은 '여성만을 위한, 여성에 의한 마사지 스튜디오' 를 찾는 것이었다. 그렇게 이런저런 과정을 거쳐 메신저로 처음 발리에게 연락을 하고 어찌저찌 예약까지는 잡았지만 겁 많고 의심 많은 나는 예약 당일 아침까지도 갈까말까 고민을 했더랬다. 하지만 발리를 실제로 만난 순간 내 안에 모든 장벽이 와르르 무너지는 느낌을 받았다. 마치 햇님이 따스함으로 비비람이 못 벗긴 나그네의 외투를 벗게하는 그것처럼 발리의 따뜻함이 내 안에서 뾰족하게 날을 세우고 있던 경계를 무장해제 시켰다. 마사지 시작 전 발리와 30분 넘게 대화를 나누면서 그 동안의 걱정과 두려움이 기대감으로 바뀌었고, 그 뒷 얘기가 궁금하다면 당신이 직접
경험해보길 추천드림! 개인적으로는 마사지 받는 내내 오롯이 나만의 감정에만 충실할 수 있었고 또 내 모습 그대로를 열렬히 사랑받는 느낌에 괜히 코끝이 찡해지는 순간도 있었다. 아, 그리고 엄청난 오르가즘은 덤! ㅎㅎ Thank you Bali for this unprecedented experience! xoxo
L from Seoul
i Bali, một thiên thần bí ẩn và đầy mê hoặc của tôi. Vậy là đến nay đã là lần thứ mấy tôi đến với bạn rồi nhỉ? Thật sự tôi cảm thấy vô cùng may mắn khi đã được gặp được bạn và người đồng hành dễ mến của bạn Bali ạ. Bạn vô cùng tử tế, nhẹ nhàng; bạn là cầu nối cho tôi, giải phóng tôi khỏi sự e dè lo lắng, tiếp thêm sự can đảm cho tôi để khám phá những trải nghiệm mới mà nói thật chỉ có trong tưởng tượng mới có thể có được... Còn về anh ấy thì tôi không thể nói nên lời được, một người tình gần như lý tưởng mà tôi nghĩ không bao giờ có thể có thực ngoài đời! Một quý ông thực thụ, một người đàn ông nhẹ nhàng, lịch sự, thông minh và hiểu thấu từng cảm xúc nhỏ nhất của tôi. Luôn luôn tôn trọng và nâng nui chăm sóc, tôi cảm nhận sự yêu thương từ anh ấy; sự ân cần chỉn chu một cách thật sự.... và về chuyện đó thì như một con sư tử vậy... Thật sự tôi không dám gặp anh ấy quá nhiều lần vì tôi cảm thấy quá nguy hiểm cho cuộc sống riêng tư? Tuy nhiên, thật sự là một trải nghiệm vô cùng tuyệt vời, khoái lạc, đầy đam mê và yêu thương. Rất cảm ơn Bali và anh ấy.
M from HCMC
Я хочу сказать огромное спасибо тебе, Бали. Для меня это было действительно терапией. Ты исцелила ту часть меня, которая боялась близости. И подарила мне красивый и заботливый опыт. Это очень сильно помогло мне почувствовать себя в любви и безопасности. Твоя терапия - это лучшее, что мне доводилось встречать. Я счастлива за себя и за каждую девушку, которая придёт к тебе 🌸
Y from Russia
Like most of you I had a mix of excitement and apprehension to having my Yoni therapy session. Bali is everything and so much than what everyone is talking about in these reviews. She made me feel so very comfortable and also I felt emotional while talking to her. I felt like I met someone in my life's journey that I won't forget. Thank you for sharing YOU! And my wish is only for many more women to come and bask in your energy. I look forward to coming back!
L from Uganda
十分多謝Bali 和###的時間去令度我重新體驗乜嘢係女人應有的性生活。原本以為我不會有幾會享受真正嘅性生活。好彩遇見她和他。多謝
S from Hong Kong
Bali, i am very grateful to you for your magical art and the beautiful feelings you always give me. 😘
M from Berlin
今、私はとても素直な気持ちであなたにメッセージを送ります。 あなたに会えたこと、4handsを選んだことにとても感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 私は、2年前に離婚して以来、ずっと肉体的に誰ともかかわることもなく過ごして来ました。それを特に寂しいとも思わない毎日でしたが…
偶然見つけたあなたのサイトによって、とてもあなたに会いたくなりました。私は勇気をだして、あなたに連絡しました。 あなたに寄せられたメッセージは、あなたを称賛するものばかりで、私もぜひあなたに会ってみたくなりました。 私は、あなたと彼のおかげでとても満たされた時間を過ごすことが出来ました。私にとって、失われた時間を取り戻すことが出来たように思えます。 失われた心の隙間を埋めていただいたと思います。リアルな表現が苦手なので、申し訳なく思えますが…
私と同じようにどこか満たされない気持ちを持っている方に、ぜひBaliに会って下さいと伝えたいです。苦労してBaliのサイトを見つけたことは、本当の宝物を見つけたことと同じ価値を感じるでしょう! ありがとう! Baliと彼にまた、バンコクで会える日を心から望みたいと思います。
i from Tokyo
I just wanna say thank you so much for Friday! You made me feel so safe and comfortable. I appreciated both the conversations and the experiences we had. It definitely gave me a confidence boost.❤️
A from Norway
Hey Bali good morning! I'm about to set off soon to catch the train to Chumphon. I wanna thank you again for the wonderful experience yesterday. I smile when I think about it haha. It's like an erotic dream. I love how loving and professional you guys are. I almost cried when in the end he didn't do anything but just hugged me so tight - that's the thing I crave for. I love how you tell and show me my pleasure, my feeling comes first. I also love your lovely studio, the whole setting and the nice smell, and the gin on tonic haha. Thank you so much, keep doing what you are doing and I'll see you next time! Bangkok is not so bad with you guys. 😜
C from Shanghai
你们不夹一丝批判和抱怨地接受我。所有我想要的东西,都会被接受、被允许、甚至被视为是理所当然。你们知道我需要的是什么。和你们在一起的时候,我觉得非常地放松和自在。真的真的超幸运,有你们在性这方面对我的认可。 所以我回来了,并且我还会再回来的。我觉得我是一个慢热的人,在我一边回忆一边写下的时候,我才发现我从始至终都为此感动。遇见你们真的真的超开心!看看我后面,能有多调皮吧!
L from Beijing
Dear Bali~ I am on the way to airport now. Thanks for everything. It’s hard to describe my feelings about this two time trips in Bangkok. it is absolutely the wonderful and the pretty crazy experience in my life. But it worth. Both of you guys must stay well and happiness. I already started miss him now. And hope to meet you next time. Love you guys
S from Taiwan
Thank you for both of your professional, i feel safe and comfortable, the most important is the satisfaction. I the surprise every time when i visit you both, will definitely come again in no time~ see you in December.😊😊
J from Singapore
Hey Bali!I would like to thank you for yesterday, I was well taken care of and surrounded by love, your hugs eased all my insecurities, looking forward to our next meeting and have friends who are eager to try it🤭🤭
X from Chengdu
我发自内心的感谢你和Y###!你们温柔和真诚的一面我会一直记在心里,希望你们两个都健康快乐!期待下次的相遇 ❤️🌷
D from China
Dear Bali, I don't really know where to begin but all I can say is a HUGE thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have learned so much from you and also from myself during these 2 visits - just wish there were more! I am leaving Bangkok today with a heavy but happy heart. I am ready to start exploring, to feel more and to start to break the walls down. Like I said before, you are such a special person and never forget that! I am soooooo glad I had the opportunity to meet you and spend time with you.
Look after yourself and I really hope we will meet again one day. Take care
A from South Africa
Dear Bali, thank you and him both, my wife had a wonderful experience, as well as me. wish to see you next time, and let us know if you have chance travel to our hometown in the future.
J from Kunming
Hi Bali, I just wanted to thank you one more time for such an amazing experience! I’m still on cloud 9 feeling wonderful! You’re a very special person and I already can’t wait to come back.
H from Austria
K from Yokohama
终于尝试了一直很好奇的yoni massage,让我这次的曼谷旅程真正圆满了。我选的是4-hands,Bali和另一位男按摩师都非常温柔、体贴、幽默,会认真倾听我的需求和疑惑,在整个过程中保证我的舒适和安全感。男按摩师(抱歉我记不得他的名字了…)让我体验到了最温柔的sex和aftercare,好的aftercare真的能治愈一切隐秘的悲伤…
不知道有没有姐妹也是听了xx的播客之后找过来的,我的体验其实和xx的不太一样,但就像Bali说的,that is her story,他们是会根据你的反应和需求调整具体内容的,所以我觉得不要有太强的目的性,就放松自己去感受身体最诚实的反应就好了!只需要相信这是一个非常包容和安全的地方,大胆地在过程中提出自己的需求表达自己的感受,我觉得这也是Bali想通过yoni massage传达的理念,让我们更了解自己内心的性需求,东亚女孩摆脱性羞耻可能需要一些勇气,这样的经历将会是很大的帮助❤️ 祝女孩们都有最好的性爱。
R from Chengdu
Dear Bali, Thank you so much !!! I wish all the women of world could spend an evening with you and Y###.
Looking forward seeing you again soon. Million hugs xx
S from Canada
Tuy rất lo lắng nhưng sau khi đã dám trải nghiệm thì một thế giới mới, một cảm xúc mới, một sự thăng hoa mới trong sex và cuộc sống sẽ đến với bạn. Thật sự rất cảm ơn Bali và người bạn đối tác ấm áp nồng nàn của bạn. Các bạn thật là BẠN chứ không phải là một dịch vụ đâu, thật sự tôi cảm thấy một level mới về chuyện tình dục, nó khác hẳn những gì tôi đã từng được trải nghiệm.Love you, à không both of you.
Mong 2 bạn sẽ luôn ở Bangkok để tôi đến là sẽ gặp được.
Ẩn Danh - từ Việt Nam
Bali,非常感谢昨天,是一场非常神奇的经历。我和我的朋友都非常庆幸遇到你们!我认为这是每个女孩人生中都需要经历一次的体验,女性们需要被重视 被保护 被爱,在这里我们感受到了。那几个小时对我们来说真的是Golden hours❤️ 我会把这次体验分享给我的其他女性朋友们,让她们有机会来到曼谷也来尝试一次你的Yoni massage。
I wrote a feedback in Chinese cause I wanna more Chinese female saw it and experience this, Thank you and your partner again for the last day
K&I from Guangzhou
Dear Bali! I just wanted to thank you so much for yesterday! You're such a lovely person with a warm heart and I think the experience will improve my sexuality a lot. I already told my bf about the toy and it'll be the first thing that I'm going to buy when i arrive at home, hahahaha! I actually want to thank you so much more but I don't know if i can find the right words, but I think a lot of women who share this experience with you are feeling the same way as me right now. Thank you so much for the memory, I'm looking forward to see you again when I'm coming back to Thailand 🤗 xx
M from Germany
亲爱的Bali,四个月前的那一个晚上令人很难忘,你们是那么的彬彬有礼,在两个小时的服务中一直都被爱包围着,他非常的温柔和体贴,他真的很懂我想要什么,我第一次体验到了潮吹,真心的谢谢你们,期待着下一次的相聚!大大的祝福!🙂 Is my wife told me the feeling 😁
F from Beijing
Dear Bali, Thank you so much for this incredible session! I loved it and, even though I have had a lot of great experiences in my life, this session will be remembered as a very interesting and therapeutic experience!
You are such a great person: loving, caring, professional and a lot more. You made me feel safe and not judged at all. I think your job is so important for women…
Thank you again :)
E from Switzerland
Dearest Bali, 诚如你所说,这个情绪会在一两天后到来。但令我惊讶的是,这种情绪非常柔软,并不是一种震惊或冲击。你太温柔、包容、耐心了,我们见第一面的时候,你的笑容就缓解了我的紧张。去之前 我已经有所预期,我是抱着自我探索的心情去找你的,我必须说我得到了所有我想要的东西。
L from Chengdu
Bali thân mến,
Rất biết ơn sự tử tế và ấm áp của 2 bạn.
Những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời của một người chồng khi chiêm ngưỡng người vợ yêu thương của mình được chăm sóc tỉ mỉ, trải nghiệm tình dục một cách hạnh phúc và đạt cực khoái liên tục với một "quý ông" thật không thể tin được!
Và với chúng tôi, sự "AN TOÀN" và "AN TÂM" là quan trọng nhất và cả hai bạn đã rất chuyên nghiệp, chỉn chu và cũng đầy tình cảm để chúng tôi cảm thấy rất YÊN TÂM khi trải nghiệm.
Cảm ơn bạn và hẹn gặp lại năm 2025 nhé
B from Vietnam
Hi Bali, i need to thank you and Y### for the exceptional service you are both providing to women. When he left yesterday I was left in such a state of complicated feelings. He was very kind, patient and talented. My body and mind was in a state of shock. He made me feel less alone about my frustrations with my body and sexuality. I felt seen and appreciated in ways I haven't in a very very long time and also guilty(although my wonderful husband was aware I booked your services) because it was the first time another person touched me since I got married 10 years ago. Y### made me feel special and incredibly sexy. I was allowed to be selfish and receive pleasure. My insecure practical mind ruminated after our session that his charitable words and talents are of course transactional. Such pleasure and joy is unreal in real life. This morning I have shifted. I have woken up to the gravity of the radical healing work you and him are doing. How he allowed me to just receive pleasure and feel beautiful, unique and special was such a immense kindness one cannot fake. Because his soul was open I felt safe to be vulnerable and receive.
C from California
M from Guangzhou
Hi Bali thank you for everything i had the best session ever after ages w ur colleague! Thank you for the therapy he did very well i had the best time first time to discover things that my body can do, I’m 27 never too late to discover but i definitely had the best and unforgettable moment. He did a very good and wonderful job i feel so comfortable and joyful i will definitely come back!
A from Singapore
第一次知道yoni 按摩是在搜尋曼谷有什麼推薦的店家時發現的!看著網站的介紹讓人很心動!台灣幾乎沒有這方面的課程,或是只有屬於由男性按摩師進行的情慾按摩,對於想要嘗試的女孩們,沒有相關經驗也沒關係,Bali 是一名女性按摩師,她提供一個安全且讓人放心的環境,她的工作室很溫馨!進去有香香的味道,不知不覺就會放鬆下來!你想要在課程開始前來點酒精放鬆也不是問題!身為女孩,我們常常因為想要取悅伴侶或是社會價值觀的影響,而忽視了我們也真實的慾望,Bali 可以領導妳探索自己的身體,讓妳更懂自己的內心!在Bali 面前,完全可以卸下防備,卸下那些偽裝起來的表象!從聊天開始,就可以感受到她散發出來的溫暖,她會給妳被愛的感覺,誠實的面對自己的慾望。如果妳想要由男性按摩師提供的服務,想要在曼谷享受不一樣的節目,不是只有男生可以在曼谷找到快樂,女孩們也有擁有快樂的權利,Bali 的工作室有一位長期合作的男性西方按摩師,從聯絡到預約,Bali是唯一的窗口,滿滿的安全感與信任可以讓你擁有幸福的體驗。
我認識Bali 已經超過一年了,預約的次數已經數不出來了,這個已經變成了每次到曼谷的固定行程!在Y### 面前,我可以自在的做我自己,他會帶領我去面對我的慾望,鼓勵我接納不一樣的自己,我不需要為了取悅他而掩飾我的感受,一切都是順其自然,這是有溫度有情感的互動,在Y### 的懷抱中,我的每一個動作都會被注意,他可以感受到我的情緒變化,並且即時給我反饋~讓我可以正視自己內心的慾望,體驗我也是有權利被珍惜被愛護的,如果你在性愛的路上,需要一點喘息的空間,需要被理解被包容,真心推薦試試看Bali的yoni massage!你一定會有意外的收穫
S from Taiwan
Dear Bali, It was such a pleasure to meet you.
As my holiday has finally reached the end and now I have plentiful of time during the long hours of flight to reflect back on the trip, the experience I had with you is definitely the highlight of my holiday :). For my first time visiting, Thailand did not disappoint!
I’d like to thank you for showing me how important it is to build a relationship with my own body through embracing self-pleasure—something that, personally, has always been sitting at the bottom list of priorities and often forgotten. The experience has brought forward an openness to self-exploration without any judgment and I’m excited to find out what my body wants and needs. On top of it all, it certainly opens up many emotions that I didn’t realise were there.
Allow me to say that you are definitely a one fine example of how great a woman could be when she embraces her sexuality and sensuality as a whole. I definitely have a lot to learn (and explore!)
Thank you for doing what you’re doing and I’m hoping your work brings joy and excitement to many more women.
Until next time, Bali :).
R from Australia
第一次有如此强烈的渴望与失望,怎么自己不是一位女性,因为亲爱的bali告诉我,她只为女性服务(My service is only for women😊 )。
今天为了报答我的妻子给她点了bali的“For you and your Partner”,我妻子得到了女王般的享受,在这个体验里,真实地感受到一位性爱女主应该得到的尊贵。整个过程让我强烈地感受到,我应该如何做,给我对于性爱的学习指明了清晰的方向。
C from Guangzhou
Dearest Bali, This was my first solo trip after my daughter/travel companion got married. Have heard of yoni massage and wanted to try out. Really glad I took the plunge though it was nerve wrecking cuz I kept contemplating to do it or not. The session was amazing and your partner showed me another universe which I never knew existed. Had the best deep sleep after which I have not experienced for a long time.
Thank you for providing this beautiful service and see u in Bangkok soon.
B from Singapore
J from Shenzhen
Hi Bali, I would like to write a message to you before going to bed. Thank you so much for the session, and please help pass my thanks to your colleague. It was a very unique experience. I felt really safe and it brought a lot of emotions. When I reflected on the massage session and all the interactions , I think it helped me to understand more about myself, my body, my needs, and really everything. It also helped me to see things that I ignored in my previous relationships (which is actually unexpected but it’s good to discover).
Hope to see you again in the future. Best wishes to you and your colleague🩷
R from China
Бали, магическая женщина ! Я безумно благодарна за то, что ты для меня сделала! 4,5 года все время возвращающейся депрессии, непринятия себя, своей сексуальности, я сама себя делала очень маленькой, не видела насколько я прекрасна, как я ценна, красива, как я достойна всего самого лучшего ! Ты раскрыла мою глубокую травму и зализала раны. С тебя началась моя глубочайшая трансформация и я не собираюсь останавливаться. Благодаря таким профессионалам с огромным сердцем как ты, люди наконец-то могут выдохнуть, принять себя и создать мир в своей душе. Это то что случилось со мной. И я никогда этого не забуду❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
C from St. Petersburg
D from HK
Hey! Meant to send this earlier but suffering with jet lag !
Just want to thank you both for such a wonderful and comfortable experience! It was everything and more than I had anticipated 🥰❤️
E from the UK
hey Bali, thanks so much for arranging the session with your partner (sorry, I can’t recall his name🥹). I just wanted to say it was truly a one of a kind experience, and I enjoyed every single moment of it. his touch was so gentle, and the aftercare was incredibly comforting. I told him I’d have a great sleep afterward, and I definitely did - crashed right after the session! woke up and missing his touch and hugs already. I can’t wait to come back, and I’m definitely considering the 4-hands next time! thank you both once again! 🫶🏻
L from Singapore